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Southwest Guilford High School


Cowboys Athletics

Southwest Guilford High School

Cowboys Athletics

Southwest Guilford High School

Cowboys Athletics

Southwest Guilford High School

Womens Varsity Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

11.0 months ago @ 3:27PM

Womens Varsity Tennis vs. Grimsley HS School

Game Date
Sep 5, 2023

Sept 5, 2023

Didn’t someone give the weather a calendar so it knows we are in Fall?

Bad news – heat delay.

Good news – The tennis ladies and I were able to catch some of the JV and Varsity VB matches.


The Grimsley Whirlies began today two Whirlies down.  Their LY #1, torn ACL from Lacrosse.  Keri, I told you xLax was evil.  Their now #3, delightful young lady, Violet was ill.  If the Cowgirls were to make a move against the Lady Whirlies, today was the opportunity.

Grimsley’s #1 and #2 were mirror and wall good.  Both ladies could negate most hard hitting with simple lifts and direction to the baseline and corners.  For Ladies like this, only a game of consistency or faster “off the sides” hitting vs off the baseline or deep fast shots would shift the advantage to the Cowgirls. 

Anna played well.  On serve until game 10 where the Whirlie laid claim to a break and won the first.  Likewise in the second set, claiming two breaks after three very close point for point games.  Ms Blacutt did an exceptional job of playing her opponent with high, near lob like shot with enough pace to push the Cowgirl deeper nearing the fence.  This is a hard position to play from.  Anna comes up short 4 and 3.

Evelyn opted for the take no prisoners and over hit against the wall of a player she drew.  No, this did not end well.  Changing tactics for 2 games resulted in a two game jump in her stats for the first set of the evening, but old habits die hard.  Reverting to her over hitting ways, the first set closed out 2-6.  Upon returning to the game in progress, once more Evelyn was reminded to hit with control and increase the spin.  Once more the magic took hold and Eveylyn saw a 2 game jump in the second set.  The Whirlie though had other plans.  Simply lobbing it higher and deeper and slowing the pace of the ball, the Whirlie took control of the rest of the games.  Evelyn goes out 2 and 2.

Rachael had an incredible 1st set.  Down at first, Rachael dug deep, continuing to develop a forehand slice for the lower balls the #3 Whirlie kept her running for throughout the entire match.  Rachael broke back evening the score.  5-5.  A break and a hold, the first set goes to the Whirlie.  The second set saw the Whirlie turn the screws, lengthening and raising her shots forcing Rachael deeper.  Rallies were long.  Points were beautiful.  Games were tight.  The score did not show the intensity of the second set.  5-7, 1-6. 

Church took on, at times, a lofty hitter who had the uncanny ability to hit it rather short, though I do not believe it to be particularly with intent on the Whirlie’s part.  This caused all sorts of difficulties for Caroline.  Unable to get into a rhythm in play, though points were long and rallies delightful to watch, Caroline falls short 1 and 1 for the evening.


Kudos to both Church and Dee for reading the court, (their) opponents and anticipating the shots.  Their (running) legs were working overtime tonight.  Though some of their shots did not make the expected trajectory, they held their own point for point on their respective courts, challenging most games to near or to deuce.  This was due to their footwork.  Keep it up ladies!

Christman began the evening 1 down in games.  In fact, across the board, all of the Cowgirls began down after the first game.  Caroline, and Bella at #6, turned that into victories on their respective courts.    

To begin, Christman’s match lasted 1 hr 50 mins.  In the heat (yes, even though it was delayed for a while), the heat was a factor on all of the courts.  Caroline faced off against her Whirlie down 1-2.  On serve still through the next 4 games, Caroline broke her opponent’s serve and held her own.  5-4, Caroline played through at least 4 deuces.  Coach had to simply walk away.  Upon Coach’s return, it was concluded Ms Christman had taken the 1st set on either the 5th or 6th deuce.  Up a set, it was up to her to maintain and push her game on the Whirlie…but the Whirlie made other plans.  Down once more after the first game of the second set, Caroline held.  1-1.  And that was it for the second set.  The Whirlie began finding her game.  Extending her shots and hitting her corners.  Christman had no answers.  1-6 in the second.  Third set tiebreaker – the race to 10 points.

It was tight.  Caroline began to relax after Coach made her come over to the fence.  He told her a joke…”Why did the Chicken Cross the road?”  Caroline’s answer…”To get to the other side.”  And with that crappy joke, Coach made Caroline smile.  The joke wasn’t the point.  The point was to get Caroline out of her own head.  In short, it worked.  Caroline relaxed.  Caroline lengthened her shots.  Caroline began covering her shorter balls by running to the anticipated delivery zone before her opponent hit it there.  Caroline began to read her opponent better and in doing so, moving better out of expectation rather than reaction.  Caroline takes the third in a hard fought match, 10-6. 

Bella experienced a level of play she was not use to seeing.  Reader, every player has a different shot…especially in the mid range of player.  This is not a slight to Bella, No!  This is a compliment as to her ability to absorb and find a way around a different ball.  Think a old timey grab bag with some good, and some, well….much like Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. You just don’t know.

Bella’s opponent came out strong.  Hitting deep shots, mostly higher, with spin.  Bella was in for a treat.  Also going down 0-1 after the first game, Bella kept chipping away at her opponent’s shots.  Already resigned she would have to run, run, and run some more (See Bella Run.  Run Bella Run – in the vein of Dick and Jane primary books) she ran.  Though her opponent had deeper, higher, and quite frankly, better shots, Bella had tenacity.  Bella could keep it in and worked her magic to and fro pushing her opponent side to side…making her move to just return the ball.  Soon enough, Bella’s opponent stopped the good, consistent deep balls and simply began sending her ball (still with top spin) back over the net.  Bella ate this up!  As the balls became shorter, Bella pressed her strokes into the corners and with a bit of pace.  Bella owned the midcourt tonight on court #6.  And that was it.  Winning 1 and 0.  Well done Bella.


The Cowgirls now down 2-4 after singles, had to win all three dubs to earn the victory.

Due to the length of the court 5 (Christman) match, #2 and #3 dubs were slightly delayed in their start.

McGinnis and McKnight began the dubs off on court 1.  Taking a while to get their groove in sync, the Whirles took the opportunity to go up 2-5 against the Cowgirls.  And then the Cowgirls fell into lockstep.  Their returns became good.  Movement happened.  Shot selection and appropriate power was the norm, not the exception.  Hold, break, hold, opponent’s hold, hold, opponent’s hold.  Staring down 5-7 match game, the Cowgirls drew even at 7 all.  Opponent’s hold.  Hold.  8 all, a tiebreak.

They began strong.  6-0.  And then….in the race to10 points, both sides began playing not to lose vs playing to win.  Shots became safe.  Execution was overboard or weak.  Whirlies evened it at 9 all.  4 points the Cowgirls were up and couldn’t finish match point.  Whirles did their part too in allowing the Cowgirls those 4 opportunities.  In the end, the Whirlies prevailed 13-11 in the third.

No, Coach and the #1 dubs team alike were not doing a happy dance.  But to their credit, they came back against a formidable dubs team to force the tiebreak.  We are still a young team.  Though falling off the bike sucks.  We learn in an instant what not to do the next time the opportunity arises for us.  The good – net and lobbing over the net player.  Well fought McDubs.  You will get them next time.

Dee and Church took on Whirlies #2 dubs.  Play was definitely better than the score indicated.  Cross court returns and net play were exemplary on the Cowgirls part.  Mistakes and off hitting from close, but not great contact did us in tonight.  Rallies were good and long with both sides fighting both at the net and from the baseline respectively.  Cowgirl lifts/lobs were beautiful.  Play wise, a solid game.  We look towards the next time when we tighten up our mistakes and do more damage in scoring and in play.

Christman and Johnson (Bella) took court #3.  Up 3-0, the Grimsley coach had their Whirlies over to the fence.  The next time coach looked, 4-1.  The next time, 4-3.  Bad trend.  Finding their rhythm, the Cowgirls calmed down, hit their shots, and extending their depth.  This was all it took distancing the Cowgirls from the Whirlies 8-4 at the final score.

There is no substitute for game play.  Play against others, some better, some worse, but all about the same level.  Think iron sharpening iron.  It has been a different sort of season for the Cowgirls.  The ladies are still growing in their games and shots.  Evelyn and Rachael both were working their forehand slice with good to very good effect.  Bella continued to run and hit (very well) like a high strung squirrel on caffeine (Hoodwinked reference).  Yep, just like that but with a racket in their hand and aim.

Anna (and the rest of the Cowgirls) continue to show grit.  The best spot on the roster is court 5 or 6.  And these spots are still tough.  Court #1, wow!  All the big girls come out with their shots.  Anna continues to grow in her skillset to take on these bigger hitters.

Until tomorrow night.


Gianna Blacutt (G) over Anna McGinnis (SW) 6-4, 6-3

Ava Steiner (G) over Evelyn McKnight (SW) 6-2, 6-2 

Morgan Buckrham (G) over Rachel Dee (SW) 7-5, 6-1

Jordan Britt (G) over Caroline Church (SW) 6-1, 6-1

Caroline Christman (SW) over Elly Martin (G) 6-4, 1-6, tiebreaker of 10-6

Bella Johnson (SW) over Quinn Finnegan (G) 6-1, 6-0 


Blackett/buckram (G) over McGinnis/McKnight (SW) 9-8 (13-11)

Steiner/Jordan Britt (G) over Dee/Church (SW) 8-3

Christman/Johnson (SW)  over Finnegan/Carly Helms(G) 8-4


Cowgirls drop to 4-6 overall, 1-4 in the conference.


Cowgirls hosts the parkland camels tomorrow in a non conf match